The Oxford Advanced Materials Network Launch
Next generation applications including energy generation and storage systems, medical devices, functional lightweight composites, autonomous vehicles, packaging, and multi-functional materials such as conducting glasses, fibres, and smart polymers critically depend on the design and controlled, sustainable manufacturing of materials. Input from across different departments will be essential to create real innovation in these areas.
Advanced computational methods have reached a stage that allows the rapid theoretical design of new materials and accurate prediction of their physical properties, thereby allowing experimental synthesis and characterisation to be focused on the most promising sub-set of materials.
The Network for Advanced Materials takes an interdisciplinary approach to tackling materials challenges by designing materials across the length scale with end-user applications in mind whereby high-speed computing, rational modelling, experimentalists and participating industry partners mutually inform each other.
The combination of fundamental concepts, new designs, applied science, and classical research and development plays a pivotal role in attracting industry partners to the Oxford Advanced Materials Network. Core to the network is our systems approach and the regular exchange with policymakers and society.
10.30 Arrival & Coffee
11.00 Welcome & Intro
11.15 Short presentations
11.45 Intro & Panel discussion Advanced Materials
13.00 Networking Lunch & Coffee
14.30 Advanced Materials in Academia & Industry
15:30 Closure
16:00 Departure
Maria Cristina Russo
Director for Prosperity, Directorate-General Research & Innovation
Dr Thanuja Galhena
Head of Advanced Materials, Department of Business and Trade
Prof David Knowles
CEO, Henry Royce Institute, UK
Prof Peter Gumbsch
Director Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM, Germany
Dr Jean-François Houle (TBC)
Vice-President of the Engineering, National Research Council Canada
Prof Lars Montelius
Co-Chair Advanced Materials Initiative 2030
Dr Camilla Alexander White FRSC Chem ERT
Lead Policy Advisor – International Chemicals Policy, Royal Society of Chemistry
Dr Colin Church (TBC)
CEO at Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining
Prof Iain Bomphray
Director of the Lightweight Manufacturing Centre, National Manufacturing Institute Scotland
Clare Sibley
Senior Manager- Materials and Process Engineering, Fortescue Zero
Dr Alex Broomsgrove
Head of Advanced Materials, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Research and Innovation
Prof Dermot O’Hare
MPLS Associate for Business Engagement and Innovation, University of Oxford
Prof Simon Aldridge FRS (TBC)
Director of IMAT – EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre - Inorganic Materials for Advanced Manufacturing
Prof Peter Nellist FRS
Head of Department, Department of Materials, University of Oxford
Prof Nicole Grobert
Lead of the Oxford Advanced Materials Network, Department of Materials, University of Oxford
Registration Deadline: Thu, 20 March 2025
Available spaces: 80 (first come first served)
REGISTER here (attendance is for free but we need your registration)
Tel: + 44 (01865) 283763
POSTER PRIZE for Interdisciplinary Research in Advanced Materials
Eligibility: postdoctoral researchers
Requirements: The poster should highlight fundamental interdisciplinary research in advanced materials and possible areas of impact and its wider relevance for society.
Award: Certificate & Cash Prizes
If you wish to be considered for the Poster Award, please submit a .PDF file of your poster (DinA3) to by 4pm on 18 March 2025 (later submissions will not be considered.)
Oxford Advanced Materials Network Steering Group: Fritz Vollrath (Biology), Kylie Vincent (Chemistry), Clive Siviour (Engineering), Robert Millar (Fortescue ZERO), Sarah Waters (Maths), Michael Johnston (Physics), Barbara Maciejewska (Materials), Nicole Grobert (Materials), Samantha Pearce (Materials), Joseph Prentice (Materials, until Jan 2025), Iain Bomphray (NIMS)